Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Videos

Playing with the Rock Band drumsticks...
Playing with our favorite pink bear...
Playing with Daddy's remote...

Friday, December 10, 2010


With a BIG smile on my face I can say we are definitely coming home Wednesday afternoon. Let's just say this past week was a huge TEST in patience and NOT being an ugly American. Apparently my Centencia process has been the extreme. Most are not like this. The best luck I had all week was while out on a walk with Shannon and Nana, a bird used my head as a toilet. And yes that was the best part. How many different ways can they misspell Stegmaier or Kathleen or Shannon??? For anyone that wants the full story, ask me sometime over a tall glass of wine. But we've dropped off the Visa application, and pick it up next week (after Homeland Security checks to see that Shannon is not a threat to National Security!!). Shannon of course has made every spelling mistake, traffic jam, sorry we're closed, worth while. It will be seven weeks to the day when I arrive home and I miss home very much. Trying to upload pictures, but computer not cooperating. Will try again soon!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


As it turns out we will not be home this weekend. We will hopefully finalize EVERYTHING by Monday and home Tuesday, WEDNESDAY at the latest..I CANNOT WAIT TO COME HOME!! Luckily the sun is shining and Shannon is wonderful.. She's cut her SECOND Tooth!! Who know's she could be walking by the time we leave..I will post pictures tonight I promise. FRUSTRATED but OK, wish I did have better news but in reality what is a couple more days if I get to bring home a happy healthy beautiful baby RIGHT?????

Monday, December 6, 2010


We were hoping to get more done today but I spent the WHOLE day completing the Centencia.. It's done thank goodness. Now we need to power through tomorrow since Wednesday is a holiday, we have to hope to get new birth certificate, passport and Embassy Doctor tomorrow so we can move on to the VISA..